The importance of creativity in the organization of events

The importance of creativity in the organization of events

"If you do what you have always done, you will achieve what you have always achieved", Tony Robbins. What a true and real phrase for these times where there is a business battle for leadership in all sectors. We cannot expect different results if we do not dare to do something different than what we have always done. In this article we will talk about the importance of creativity when organizing an event.

Creativity is, in short, that. Dare to think “out the box” and make it possible. Who would have thought that the light bulb could be a reality if there had not been a Thomas Alba Edison who dared to find a way to design it and make it work?

For companies that are dedicated to organizing events, creativity is our main strength to compete more and better. Because it is creativity that will make it possible to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, and exceed the expectations of our clients, thus helping them to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.

But before starting the creative process, we must understand our client very well: who he is, what he wants, what his market expects of him, who he is and what his competition is doing, why do they ask us to organize this event ...

Look inside and see what is outside, to mark relevant, unique, extraordinary paths from research and strategy. And that's where we apply creativity. Because it gives us the opportunity to publicize a concept, an idea, or a product in a non-traditional way. It allows you to be differential and build your own space, in which no other brand has been before. And get to the place where brands stay: emotions.

That is why it is so important, that is why it must be present in the DNA of any agency and that is why it must be transversal and jump to all the departments that comprise them: design, accounts, content, production ...

Only in this way, creativity generates value in the process and brings relevance. Only by being present throughout the chain, it enriches the final proposal.

On how to integrate it into the process, here are some tips:

  • - Include creativity in your list of business values. This will influence the minds of your collaborators and bring excellent results.
  • - Ask your work team, collaborators, and suppliers to go beyond the ordinary. Challenge them to be more creative.
  • - Put in place tools or techniques that make the process emerge: the well-known brainstorming sessions, or the 635 - dynamic, an alternative, with which the work team can write their ideas without the barriers of public exposure.
  • - Keep your team constantly motivated. Plan small events where they can spark their creativity or incorporate inspiration sessions.

Creativity is essential to find a way to differentiate ourselves in the sector, it is key to finding solutions to the challenges that are presented to us. Applying creativity, we add an added value to our company that will make us stand out from the rest, stand out from the noise, and add value to our customers.

If you are looking for inspiration, visit our articleon about the most successful cases in the organization of experiential events.



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