The importance of team management in event organization

The importance of team management in event organization

In any field of human activity, the aspects related to social interaction are perhaps the most complex things to deal with. And if you imagine human relationships as a kind of Maslow's pyramid, where the complexity increases from base to top, teamwork would be right at the pinnacle, as one of the most challenging forms of organization and management. That is why the importance of team management in event organization is hard to underestimate.

It’s true that teamwork, as a process, follows some established patterns. But it’s also true that within these patterns, we have to deal with multiple egos and countless personal circumstances. This adds an element of unpredictability to the whole thing. Add the fact that event management is one of the most complex marketing tools at the organizational level, and here we have the topic of our today’s article...

The aspects we are going to address next may seem generic, and to some extent, they are, because they apply to many industries. Yet, we’ll try to explain why in the case of corporate event organization they have a special twist that is worth considering.

That’s what HR is for

A consolidated team is a result of hard work. And this work begins at early stages of the candidate selection process. Of course, it's not about turning any selection process into a talent show. Not at all. It's just about making sure that since the very start the HR manager clearly understands who they are looking for. And for that, the department manager with the vacant position must be able to clearly articulate their needs. Clarifying these aspects is crucial because in the current "great talent exodus" situation we are experiencing as a result of the recent pandemic, it can make things much easier. In other words, if it's already difficult to find people in the event industry, it's twice as difficult if you're not clear about who you're looking for.

But there's something beyond CV’s, career plans, and professional achievements. HR managers also need to be very familiar with the intangible values of that particular team. If you allow us the expression, they need to "get the vibe", so that the new person can integrate into the team smoothly and naturally.

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Don't fear complexity

And in case of corporate event organization, creating an emotionally solid work environment can provide that extra boost that makes things run much smoother. For the process involves such a huge and diverse multidisciplinary team, where numerous professionals with different work dynamics come together, the fact that people share the same vision, values, and approach can considerably improve coordination throughout the entire productive chain in all phases. Besides, being aligned in vision despite all the differences allows us to learn from diversity, rather than seeing it as an obstacle.


Unfortunately, not everyone who becomes a boss has the necessary leadership skills. A good team leader not only must keep the deadlines, but also do so in a way that no one gets burnt out along the way. And above all, adding value to the final result. Seamless communication, good understanding of people’s needs, concerns and ways of thinking, frustrations and "superpowers”, practicing what you preach... All of this, once again, is essential for a process of such complexity as the corporate event organization.

It's an extremely delicate task that requires constant critical thinking, the ability to step back and readjust strategies on the go. And it becomes even more important given the gradual incorporation of the "generation Z" into the labor market. It’s a generation completely different from all the previous ones in terms of their value system, life priorities, and overall vision of the "work" as a concept.

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Motivation and incentives

And related to the previous point, we have another aspect regarding the importance of team management in event organization. It’s the motivation of employees and the incentive systems to maintain this motivation at necessary levels. So far, nothing difficult, isn’t it? A few drinks on Friday, an occasional pat on the back, and done. But no. It no longer works like that.

We agree that the nature of human motivation inevitably leads to it dwindling over time. Especially if the tasks performed are not creative or excessively monotonous. However, the shift occurring in the value system of the generations entering the scene now has proved the old incentive systems completely ineffective.

There’s no use in going through numerous ways of motivating workers, beyond purely economic stimuli (which remain effective). Let's just point out a couple of things. First, whatever idea you come up with to motivate people, this activity cannot be mandatory. And second, the success of any motivation and incentive program depends on communication. Only through communication, by dedicating time and emotional resources to interviews and periodic evaluations with employees, can we reach a deep understanding of the causes behind their behavior and attitudes. And as is well known, a correct understanding ensures correct solutions.

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