Nissan ePower by EVA

realidad virtual
architecture and design
Innovation is part of Nissan's DNA. The car brand launched a new exclusive ePower technology, a low-emission hybrid monitor that combined an electric motor to drive the wheels and a gasoline engine to charge the battery.
To make this new technology known and to educate about it, it was necessary to "take" the range out of the dealership and take it to the streets. To this end, a RoadShow was organized in shopping centers in 5 cities for 7 weeks ... but with a special feature. In order to provide a more disruptive and interactive experience, an artificial intelligence development was incorporated. This is how EVA, a virtual avatar capable of resolving doubts in real time and sharing, in an automated way, all the automated information available on the new range of vehicles, was created. In total, this action resulted in more than 20,000 interactions, more than 5,000 registered leads and nearly 1,000 test & drives, with a 25% increase in traffic to dealerships in the target cities. launch of this new technology. Así es como surge EVA, un avatar virtual capaz de resolver dudas en tiempo real y compartir, de manera automatizada, toda la información automatizada disponible de nueva gama de vehículos. En total, gracias a esta acción se consiguieron más de 20.000 interacciones, más de 5.000 leads registrados y cerca de 1.000 test & drives con el aumento en un 25% del tráfico a los concesionarios en las ciudades target. lanzamiento de esta nueva tecnología